Cool Shit #13
Here’s an update on weird interesting innovative stuff we’ve found on the Internet.
How to generate (almost) anything — By augmenting human capabilities and pushing the boundaries of creativity, AI can inspire us to create things that wouldn’t have existed otherwise. A bunch of MIT scientists and artists aim to test the limits of human-AI collaboration to generate (almost) anything the human mind can (and can’t) imagine. Inspired by MIT’s most celebrated How to Make (Almost) Anything class, they introduce How to Generate (Almost) Anything!
Video games skies — The art of depicting skies in video games.
Uncanny Rd. — A drawing tool that allows users to interactively synthesise street images with the help of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). The project was created as a collaboration between Anastasis Germanidis and Cristobal Valenzuela to explore new kinds of human-machine collaboration that deep learning can enable.
Sorting — An algorithm visualization and sonification system created using Processing. By using the sorting history, data comparison, data swap, absolute error, residual sum of squares and other, these features are visualised and made audible by seven sorting algorithms (insertion sort, shell sort, bubble sort, quick sort, selection sort, heap sort, merge sort). The problem size of all sorting algorithms is 31, and the initial condition is random.
Narciss — A robot that uses artificial intelligence to analyse itself, thus reflecting on its own existence. Comprised of Google’s Tensorflow framework and a simple mirror, the experiment translates self-portraits of a digital body into lyrical guesses.
Mediated Matter — This MIT Lab’s group focuses on Nature-inspired Design and Design-inspired Nature. They conduct research at the intersection of computational design, digital fabrication, materials science and synthetic biology and apply that knowledge to design across scales from the micro scale to the building scale. Their goal is to enhance the relation between natural and man-made environments by achieving high degrees of design customization and versatility, environmental performance integration and material efficiency.
Radiance — A database of artistic VR.